J51 - Oxygen Free
- Last update: 03 August 2016
- File size: 752.97 KB
- Joomla Version: 3.x
- Downloaded: 10335
- Author: Joomla51
- License: GNU/GPL
Introducing our Oxygen Joomla template, a bright and clean template solution for your website. Our popular free release has been giving a makeover and is now using the latest Joomla51 framework with a host of new features including 48 modules positions with complete width controls, 3 column layout with 6 possible layout options, font choosers with 14 web safe fonts and over 100 Google fonts to choose from and much much more.
- Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3.x Compatible
- 48 Fully Collapsible Module Positions
- 3 Colour Styles to chooe from
- 2 Pre-Install Menu Positions
- 3 Column Layout with 6 Possible Layout Options
- J51 Thumbs Gallery Module
- J51 Slideshow Module
- Easy edit site title
- Custom Module Widths
- Tableless and 100% CSS based design
- Multiple Font Choosers (14 Web Safe Fonts + 100 Google Fonts)
- Multiple Colour Choosers