1. jploaiza
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. Monday, 16 April 2012
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Hi, I just found that the module can't create thumbs on my server, i found out why, I just need to let you guys know, maybe you can fix it...

when you are in a hosting server, you will have a user, that probably or not will have the group apache, like in my case... and when the module tries to create the thumbs he create the folder as

drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache 6 Apr 16 01:07 thumbs

but it can't create the thumbs as you can see, the folder don't have the write permissions on the folder...

This is fixed just giving g+w to the folder, but what if you can't do that like in my case...

So... it is possible to the mod to create the thumbs folder with drwxrwxr-x permissions? if that is the case you will have no problems with the users that are hosted in a shared server.

Thanks in advance.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
dear sir !
i fix this problem month ago ! it's misconfiguration in host permission !
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi jploaiza

Admitedly I'm a little stumped as to what may be causing your issue. The problem seems to be unique at least it hasn't been brought to our attention till now. We have tested the module on shared hosting without any problems.

The thumbs folder should be 755 otherwise it will be unable to create the images within that folder however this should be the Joomla default for the ../images folder and any folder created within.

We'll try and replicate your problem on this end and work to find a solution asap.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
First, is not clean... the entire propouse of the tool is do it easy, as you say on the webpage, create thumbs on the fly...

And because in that way I prefer to create first the thumbs folder manualy, set the permissions and then browse the news (is when the thumbs got created) so the tool can create the thumbs...

Personally is not much trouble to do this for me, but you need to keep in mind I have my website in a shared webhosting, I have no rights to modify php safe mode... and I'm not aiming just to me... when the plugin get popular, you will have more users like me asking for the same thing...

I'm just trying to help you make better your aweasome tool.. :pinch:
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Having looked at this module the thumbs creation PHP is only used when a thumbnail for an image is not available. Why don’t you load PHP the first time in safe mode and then turn off safe mode once the thumbnails exist

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Is not GD, the thumbs are successfully created when the thumbs folder is myuser:apache 775

PHPinfo from my webhost

GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.2.1
T1Lib Support enabled
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPEG Support enabled
libJPEG Version 6b
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.2.10
WBMP Support enabled
XPM Support enabled
XBM Support enabled
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi jploaiza

May I suggest checking that GD Library is installed on your server. The module uses this library to resize the images and will be unable to do so if it is not available.

For more information on GD Library check out http://www.boutell.com/gd/

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Ok, php safe must be the problem...

There is anyway you can modify the mod so it can runs over php with Safe mode on?

  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
So, unless I make the thumbs folder myuser:apache with 775 permissions... thumbs creation don't work... server issue? sudo rights? I can't see httpd logs.. :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 8
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
This is crazy... I just modify the helper.php file so it looks like this now...

52 if (!is_dir($thumb_paths . '/thumbs')) {
53 mkdir($thumb_paths . '/thumbs');
54 chmod($thumb_paths . '/thumbs', 0777);
55 }

And it works, it create the thumbs folder with 777 permissions, but still can't create thumbs...

the only way is making the folder myuser:apache, that way the thumbs can be created but still... 777 means anybody can write, system debug of joomla not helping neither...

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Free Templates / Extensions
  3. # 9
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Actually I have added the g+w option to the folder, and nothing happen neither... then chmod 777 thumbs and then it was possible to generate the thumbs...


Hi, I just found that the module can't create thumbs on my server, i found out why, I just need to let you guys know, maybe you can fix it...

when you are in a hosting server, you will have a user, that probably or not will have the group apache, like in my case... and when the module tries to create the thumbs he create the folder as

drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache 6 Apr 16 01:07 thumbs

but it can't create the thumbs as you can see, the folder don't have the write permissions on the folder...

This is fixed just giving g+w to the folder, but what if you can't do that like in my case...

So... it is possible to the mod to create the thumbs folder with drwxrwxr-x permissions? if that is the case you will have no problems with the users that are hosted in a shared server.

Thanks in advance.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
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