we have a problem with the representation of the component J51_Icon with the Template J51_Kaylee.
If you look at the website on smaller monitors, the title is not displayed correctly.
To amend try installing the attached. This update will allow you to set the number of columns for each screen size. You will find the settings in the General Settings tab of your module settings.
If you get a frontend error with the module, simply open the module settings and save.
I saw this post, realised that my version of J51 icons was not responsive and just installed the new version of the module that Ciairan added above (I did not change the default settings for the different number of columns for different devices), now I do have a responsive layout (thank-you!).
I have a single instance of mod_j51icons in the top-3a position of the Sophia template (I don't have anything in top-3b, top-3c etc). I put all in my 5 icons into the one module.
You will need to adjust the columns settings for each screen size to it can accommodate your icon titles correctly. Alternatively, you can add the following to the Custom CSS field of your template settings which will break the titles words on smaller screens.
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