1. Bonanomi
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Thursday, 20 February 2014
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi Ciaran,
I've installed a Ultimate Facebook Like Box Slider module extension on my web site but when activate it in any template position I have a trouble whit main menu and slideshow (in slideshow position).
Extension developer suggest to create a new position

Position : Module should be published at position before </body> closing tag. Usually it is named debug. If you do not have such position then add following code to your template in index.php file
]<jdoc:include type="modules" name="debug" />
and in file: templateDetails.xml
if you published module in any other position it should still work.[/left][/left]

but nothing change in menù/slideshow behaviour.

Could you please suggets any solutions?
As usual I sent to you url and passwod by mail

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Just checked your Joomla installation and you don't appear ot have a 'Ultimate Facebook Like Box Slider' extension installed. Have you since found and alternative extension to use?

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