1. noelada
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Monday, 01 May 2023
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi Ciaran,
I am trying to set a default font style and font size for JCE Editor used in various Extensions. JCE do not have an option to set a default font and insist that this be done via the template in use. I have set all the fonts to courier in Magnolia template and the screenshot shows courier font for everything except the JCE editor box. Is there a way of setting the font for the JCE Editor via the Magnolia Template or must css be used? I am frustrated in that what would be a logical option to exist in the JCE Editor is being assigned to to the very large number of template developers. How do I proceed?
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Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Noel

Would you have a URL to an example of this issue? Although I can not speak for JCE Editor, there may be a solution via some custom CSS.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Ciaran,
On reflection, I think our issue is with JCE. We do not want the text entered in the JCE box to be displayed using the template default font. Users should be able to change fonts while entering text and have freedom to change anything etc. What we are looking for is the ability to specify a default font for JCE so that when users just start typing text it uses our specified default and not the JCE default Arial 12. Thanks for offering to help.
PS I will take this up with JCE - Sorry to bother you.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 2
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