Thank you
I am unable to locate the corresponding CSS to the template update in your site source. May I suggest sending temporary administration access to your Joomla installation to and we will examine this issue further. For our reference please paste a link to this post in your email.
Alternatively, you can try adding the following to the Custom CSS field of your templates parameters (Extensions -> Templates -> [YourTemplateStyle] -> Custom CSS)....
.visible-phone {display: none !important;}
.visible-tablet {display: none !important;}
.hidden-desktop {display: none !important;}
.visible-desktop {display: inherit !important;}
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) {
.hidden-desktop {display: inherit !important;}
.visible-desktop {display: none !important;}
.visible-tablet {display: inherit !important;}
.hidden-tablet {display: none !important;}
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.hidden-desktop {display: inherit !important;}
.visible-desktop {display: none !important;}
.visible-phone {display: inherit !important;}
.hidden-phone {display: none !important;}