1. TheAllusionist
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Saturday, 16 July 2016
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In trying to run JCH Optimize and similar plugins I run into CSS parsing errors when trying to combine etc.. Running code through http://csslint.net for example to try and nail down the errors. It could be that these errors are really acceptable code that some finicky compression doesn't like, I realize that, just checking to see what you may have to say about it.

Such as "/templates/j51_boutique/css/animate.css"


<style type="text/css">
body, input, button, select, textarea {font-family:Roboto }
h1{font-family:Dosis }
h2{font-family:Dosis }
.module h3, .module_menu h3{font-family:Dosis; }
.hornav{font-family:Droid Sans }
h1.logo-text a{font-family:Dosis }

I also have CSS errors in my phoco gallery thumbnail modules, but that is another matter, just mentioning I have found them elsewhere and just trying to track stuff down.

Do you have an updated "animate.css" file for example or is this just an problem with optimization techniques and not outdated CSS code for example?

Thanks again for your great support, it is greatly appreciated.


Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thank you for your response.


  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Russell

The source of the animate.css can be found here if you wish to try updating it to the most recent commit (3.5.1).. https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/

It would be by far the most widely used animation library available so by the simple mass of numbers using it I would suggest any such errors would be considered acceptable.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 2
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