Hi Dave
Could you try removing the following from your templates jstuff.css (../templates/j51_avenue/css/jstuff.css)...
/*Category Blog Layout*/
.items-row{float:left; margin-bottom:5px !important; padding-bottom:18px;}
.column-1, .column-2, .column-3, .column-4{padding:0;}
/* 1 column layout */
.cols-1{display: block; float: none !important; margin: 0 !important;}
/* 2 column layout */
.cols-2 .column-1{width:48%; float:left;}
.cols-2 .column-2{width:48%;float:right; margin-left:3.5%;}
/* 3 column layout */
.cols-3 .column-1{float:left; width:31%; padding:0px;}
.cols-3 .column-2{float:left; width:31%; padding:0px; margin-left:3.5%;}
.cols-3 .column-3{float:left; width:31%; padding:0px; margin-left:3.5%;}
/* 4 column layout */
.cols-4 .column-1{width:23%;float:left;}
.cols-4 .column-2{width:23%; margin-left:2.2%; float:left;}
.cols-4 .column-3{width:23%; margin-left:2.2%; float:left;}
.cols-4 .column-4{width:23%; margin-left:2.2%; float:left;}
Hopefully this should resolve the issue?