Stockholm - A clean and elegant design for your project
Top of the list with any website project is your site content and with this release we ensure that nothing gets in the way of just that. Stockholms offers you a simple and clean platform to build your project ensuring that your content is number one for your site visitors. At its core Stockholm is an ultra sleek design to which we have paid a special emphasis on minimal styling paying close attention to the vertical rhythm of the typography, ensuring a perfect viewing experience for your articles.
Although we have kept a clean design key in development, that is not to say that Stockholm is left lacking when it comes to features. All styling options that you have become accustomed to from our Joomla51 templates are there. Included you will find a host of options to allow you to quickly add a touch of flare to your project. Set background images within each block of modules along with a multitude of color and font options all within the safety of the easy to use template parameters.
With every new design from Joomla51 we are always on the look out for new options we can add to our template framework to make it that bit easier to make your design unique. With the Stockholm Joomla template we have added some ultra neat hover utility classes which will allow you to add some nice animations to your menu items. Check out Template Features -> Ultility Classes in the template demo for the fill list of effects.