New Joomla51 Template Framework

on Monday, 01 April 2013. Posted in Blog

We are pleased to announce a huge update to our template framework. This new framework is a collaboration of months of work by the Joomla51 team, combining some of the most used and asked for features within an easy to use and beautifully styled interface in which you can now quickly customise your template to your own needs and have your site up and running in a matter of minutes.

All templates released from March 2012 can avail of the extended versatility offered with the new framework.

As part of the new template framework we have included a much improved template parameters area. Your template parameters can be access directly from your Template Manager giving you access to a host of features including a selection of template styles, some colour choosers to help customise your template headers and links, a number of layout options and easy to use logo settings.


In the Styling section of your parameters you have a number of option to edit the styling of some of the elements of your template.

Features in this section include a font changer allowing to you to choose from 14 websafe fonts and over a 100 Google fonts for a number of different elements of your template including the body, article title and module title fonts. Also included is a color chooser to set the article title, module title and content link fonts to your own taste.


Some of the main menus of the template are now set via the template parameters saving you having to set up menu modules for each menu. From this section you can choose what menus you would like connected with these pre assigned menu areas of the template.


This section of the template parameters allows full control over your site logo with an array of easy to use options. Upload your logo image via the 'Select Logo Image' field and then use the X and Y axis field to tweak its position.

You can also turn off the image option reverting to a text based logo allowing you to simply enter your site title and slogan via the available fields. You can then customise how your title and slogan will appear via the color and font chooser allowing you maximum control over how your title will appear.

Layout Options

From your Layout Options you can set the layout of your side columns in relation to your site content with options for both your side columns to appear on either the left or the right or on either side of your content/component area. We have also added some field to individually customise the width of both both columns.

Module Widths

By default your module widths will automatically adjust depending on the number of modules published within its containing row. Via the Module Widths section of the parameters you can now disable this feature and customise the width of each individual module.

Social Media Icons

Enable and assign URLs to your social media pages which will appear in the social media panel of the template.

Custom CSS

Need to apply your own styling to the template then simply add your custom CSS to the Custom CSS field within this section of the parameters. This tool is a great addition for our support team who no longer have you opening template files when suggesting CSS changes. Simply add suggested CSS changes to this field to have them applied to your template.

Copyright Information

Enter the copyright information that will appear in the footer of your template.

Search Field Turn a search field on your site with the fimple flick of a switch within your templates parameters.

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