J51 - Icons

4.9/5 rating (15 votes)
  • Last update: 30 August 2018
  • File size: 907.30 KB
  • Joomla Version: 3.5.X
  • Downloaded: 4992
  • Author: Joomla51
  • License: GPLv2

Our J51 Icons module extension allows you to quickly and easily place a set of icons in a module position along with a title and caption for each. This module includes support for some of the most popular icon sets available including FontAwesome and Typicons. This in total gives you a massive 1300+ scalable vector icons to choose from. We have included a host of layout and styling options including multiple columns, layout orientation and color controls. All this in a fully responsive layout assuring perfect viewing across every device.

  • 800+ icons to choose from
  • Font Awesome icon set
  • Pixeden Stroke 7 icon set
  • Typicons icon set
  • Bicon icon set
  • Responsive design
  • Include title & caption with each icon
  • Multiple layout & styling options
  • A Joomla51 creation

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