Best Sources for Free Stock Photography
In recent times we have noticed a big increase in websites offering quality free to use stock photography. No longer do you have to pick from a small pool of sub standard photography if your budget does not stretch to including professional images.
Today we have decided to put together a quick list of some of our favourite original collections of free stock photography.

Unsplash -
First on the list is the excellent With its uniquely styled images and regular updates it is easy to guess why Unsplash has quickly become one of our favourite sources for free images. This site offers up a collaboration of images from a number of talented photographers with ten new images added every ten days. Images are of high resolution and have an artistic quality to them. Great for city/land scapes with a tendency towards more subtle tones. 9/10

Little Visuals -
Very similar to the previous site, Little Visuals offers you 7 new images to choose from every 7 days. Images tend to be a of a minimalist style with slightly more saturated coloring to The site itself is styled in a single column list with an option to sign up for a newsletter to receive images directly to your inbox. 7/10

SplitShire -
A great collection of images from the graphic designer and photographer Daniel Nanescu. High resolution images of good quality across a large number of genres with what appears to be regular additions every couple of days. All images are categorised making it a little easier to find what you want. Model releases are available via a monthly subscription fee. 8/10

Gratisography -
Gratisography is a project by the photographer Ryan McGuire offering a fine collection of quality high resolution images for you to use as you wish. This collection is very varied in style so I am sure there is something there for everyone. Images are added weekly by Ryan so be sure to check back regularly. 8/10

Startup Stock Photos -
Another quickly growing collection of free to use images. Startup Stock Photos is somewhat unique as images in its collection are largely focused towards people their technology which makes these images very usable indeed. Quality is excellent and to date new images are added on a regular basis. Images are licensed under Creative Commons. 8/10

Jay Mantri -
A site inspired by offering up 7 photos each week. Jays collection is sharp and high resolution with a tendency toward strong highlights in his photos. A varied selection with a strong summer theme throughout. 8/10

Magdeleinei -
A collaboration of a number of talented photographers. Images are of high quality and nicely categorised with search and filter by prominent color options available. You will notice some works photographers mentioned previously in the list but also some that have not so I figured it worth a mention. Images have varying levels CC licence.8/10